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Calendar dates
Published on Nov 20, 2018 10:23

Hello everyone,
With us heading into a busy season I thought I would pass along some dates to help with organization of schedules.

Tuesday November 20 - Parent Mental Health evening - Patrick Fogarty - postponed - Further details
                                   of a possible Jan/Feb evening to follow.

Friday November 23 - School Mass - 9:30 am - All welcome

Tuesday December 4 - Flower Fundraising pick up 3:00 pm - 7:00 pm - gym

Wednesday December 5 - Family Advent Mass - 6:30 pm - All welcome - To be followed by treats
                                     and fellowship in the church hall

Thursday December 6 - Parent Council Movie Night - 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Monday December 17 - Primary Christmas concert dress rehearsal - 1:00 pm

Tuesday December 18 - Primary Christmas concert - 9:30 am and 1:00 pm 
                                   (Same show being  performed twice.  Please pick a time that best suits
                                    your schedule)

As other information becomes available I will be surter to forward it to you
M. Piitz